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The Magnette Register were invited to join Harrogate MG Club in celebrating their 30th Anniversary event at Bewerely Park Pateley Bridge over the W’Kend of August the 8th / 9th.

On a Glorious Saturday morning a number of Magneteers met up with David Griffiths (Our Magnette Man “up North”), who with Wife Sandra had put together a very informative run with numerous places to visit, prior to meeting up for the Magnette AGM at The Oatlands Moat Club (their local MG natter venue – organised by David at no cost to the Register!)

The AGM ran smoothly & efficiently in the very capable hands of Paul Batho (in the absence of Chairman David Halliday- Full details of the AGM will be reported elsewhere.)

Saturday Evening saw a total of 24 Magneteers  (including Guests from our Arden MG Natter)  join us at the Wellington Inn, Darley (Another Great recommendation from David & Sandra) for a superb meal & “Fun Time Quiz/ Story”. It was an evening thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Sunday the 9th was “SHOW DAY” and although not a glorious start, weather wise – it ended up as good as Saturday. Julia & I were tasked with arranging the Magnette parking on our Register Plot and a total of 16 Magnificent Magnettes were set out. We were also lucky to have courtesy of David Slater a very fine example of a MK1VFarina!

At the age of 95 we were also honoured to welcome (courtesy of Keith Charlton) Frank Robson who is a long time owner of a ZB, which he still uses to drive to his local shops!

David Griffiths was awarded the NTG Trophy for his excellent example of Twilight Grey ZB Magnette – and our Register Stand / Display was awarded “Best Show Stand”

Approximately 400 cars (mainly MG’s – of course!)  Attended this superb event and the show ground was certainly full and busy all day with various club stands, traders and numerous competitions. We also enjoyed the Wetherby Silver Band (who entertained us throughout the day.)

Although a distance to go – Everyone was made extremely welcome and we really enjoyed a Great Weekend. OUR Thanks must go to David & Sandra for inviting us to a very enjoyable event.

Alan & Julia

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